Pay transparency — Global labor and employment law strategic guide

Y Labor and Employment Law guide – Pay transparency EY Law

Global pay transparency overview

From a legislative point of view, one can see a significant shift towards greater pay transparency and equity. Navigating diverse regulations is crucial to mitigate risks such as litigation, reputational damage and workforce discontent. Embracing pay transparency not only ensures compliance but also enhances company culture and employer brand. Employers must reassess pay structures, offer training, and align corporate values with tangible pay outcomes. However, implementing effective pay transparency strategies requires careful consideration of legal complexities, especially for organizations operating across multiple jurisdictions.

The EY Global Labor and Employment Law Strategic Guide provides insights into pay transparency regulations globally, where they are currently in force in 38 jurisdictions, aiding organizations in navigating this evolving landscape.

As organizations worldwide navigate the shift toward greater transparency and equity in the workplace, pay transparency has emerged as a focal point.

Editor’s letter

With a growing movement for equality and openness, several jurisdictions globally are developing and enforcing laws that require employers to disclose their compensation practices — introducing a new era in pay transparency regulations expected to shape the global workforce landscape well into the future.

While these changes imply the potential for positive workplace transformation, fostering equity and fair pay, they also pose challenges for multinational corporations. Companies must adeptly steer through applicable regulations to reduce risks, such as potential litigation, damage to employer reputation, and demoralization among the workforce resulting from inequities or missteps in pay transparency.

By adopting pay transparency policies and practices, corporations will not only be able to comply with statutory requirements but also advance their company culture and employer brand. As part of their work toward pay transparency, employers will need to evaluate pay structures and remuneration policies, provide training to HR and management and ensure that there is alignment between corporate values and real pay outcomes.

As corporations forge ahead, the effective implementation of pay transparency strategies will be instrumental. However, the legal nuances of pay transparency are as varied as they are complex, with regulations differing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For multi-national corporations operating across several jurisdictions or regions, a one-size-fits-all approach to pay transparency must be carefully considered.

In this edition of the EY Global Labor and Employment Law Strategic Guide, we survey legal regulations on pay transparency in 38 jurisdictions globally.

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