
Disclosure pursuant to § 25 MedG and information pursuant to § 5 ECG

Owner: Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH
T +43 1 26095-2100
F +43 1 26095-2199

Registration number: FN 385778x
Commercial register court: Commercial Court of Vienna
VAT number: ATU67478277

Professional organization: Vienna Bar Association

Professional designation: Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft

Professional regulatory provisions: Rechtsanwaltsordnung (RAO), Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes, für die Überwachung der Pflichten des Rechtsanwaltes und für die Ausbildung der Rechtsanwaltsanwärter (RL-BA), Disziplinarstatut der Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter (DSt); Rechtsanwaltstarifgesetz (RATG), Allgemeine Honorar-Kriterien (AHK).

Access: The text of these regulations can be inspected at

Regulatory body: Vienna Bar Association

Member state: Austria

Nature and purpose of the business: The purpose is the practice of the legal profession, including the necessary auxiliary activities and the management of the company’s assets pursuant to § 21 c Z 6 RAO (Austrian Regulations for the Lawyers’ Profession), as well as concluding transactions and performing actions that will aid the aforementioned business activities directly or indirectly.

Registered office: Vienna

Persons authorized to represent the Firm: Dr. Mario Gall, Dr. Stephan Größ, Dr. Helen Pelzmann, Mag. Georg Perkowitsch, Dr. Stephan Hofmann, Dr. Martin Hanzl, Dr. Katrin Speigner, Mag. Ulrike Sehrschön
Associates: Dr. Mario Gall, Dr. Stephan Größ, Dr. Helen Pelzmann, Mag. Georg Perkowitsch, Dr. Stephan Hofmann, Dr. Martin Hanzl, Dr. Katrin Speigner, Mag. Ulrike Sehrschön
Voting rights: Voting rights are determined by the value of the initial contribution.

Producer and publisher: Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Place of publication: 1220 Vienna, Wagramer Straße 19/33


Disclosure requirements according to applicable Austrian bar rules
The Austrian Bar Association mandates the disclosure of attorneys who are shareholders of Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH, as well as those attorneys engaged as self-employed attorneys (Substitut:innen) with the firm:

Dr. Helen Pelzmann, Dr. Mario Gall, Dr. Stephan Größ, Mag. Georg Perkowitsch, Dr. Stephan Hofmann, Dr. Julia Karl, Dr. Martin Hanzl, Dr. Katrin Speigner, Mag. Ulrike Sehrschön

Mag. Maximilian Bell, Mag. Teresa Bell,  Mag. Emanuel Boesch, Mag. Miriam Broucek, Clemens Burian-Kerbl, , LL.M. (WU) BSc (WU), Dabernig Katharina, LL.M.(WU) BSc (WU), Titus Kahr, LL.M. (WU) LL.B. (WU), Mag. David Konrath LL.M., Dr. Andreas Lopatka-Sint, Philipp Moritz, LL.M. (WU) BSc (WU), Mag. Niklas Nigl, LL.M., Dr. Heinrich Pöttinger, Mag. Julia Pötzlberger, Dr. Elisabeth Reiner, LL.M. , Mag. Tobias Scheufler, Mag. Martin Schneider, Mag. Christina Schrott, Marie Winter, LL.M. (WU), Mag. Christian Zimmer

Pelzmann Gall Größ Rechtsanwälte GmbH cooperates with Ernst & Young Law GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, Germany.

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